Mongolian Empire

Uncovering Insights into the World's Largest Land Empire and the People Who Built It

Why Was Promoting International Commerce Important to the Mongols?

As the Mongols expanded their empire through conquest, they actively worked to connect different regions and civilizations through trade. The Mongol rulers understood early on that trade and commercial exchanges benefitted their economy and facilitated cultural blending between their subjects.

Did the Romans Fight the Mongols?

At their peaks, the Romans controlled much of Europe, North Africa, and the Middle East, while the Mongols conquered territories across Asia and Eastern Europe. However, despite their proximity in geography and time period, there was no direct conflict between the Romans and Mongols.

From Unity to Conquest: Genghis Khan's First Conquests After Uniting the Tribes

Explore the legacy of Genghis Khan, the legendary conqueror who united Mongol tribes in 1206 CE to establish the mighty Mongol Empire. Delve into history as Khan's formidable cavalry conquered the Western Xia and Jin dynasties in Northern China, shaping a powerful narrative of conquest and empire-building.

The Vast Reach of the Mongol Empire at Its Height

At its peak in the 13th century, the Mongol Empire was the largest contiguous land empire in history. Founded in 1206 by Genghis Khan, the Mongols rapidly expanded their territories through ruthless conquest. By 1279, the Mongol Empire encompassed over 9 million contiguous square miles, spanning from Eastern Europe to the Sea of Japan.

Unearthing the Agricultural Heritage of the Mongol Empire's Nomadic Farmers

The Mongols originated as a collection of nomadic tribes in the steppes of Central Asia. Their lifestyle revolved around moved from place to place with their herds of livestock, which included horses, sheep, goats, cattle, and camels.

Daily Life in the Mongol Capital Cities Under Kublai Khan

Life within these cosmopolitan hubs revealed not just affluent Mongol rulers but diverse commoners including retainers from across Eurasia rubbing shoulders in marketplaces and workshops.

Genghis Khan vs. Alexander the Great: A Historical Comparison

Genghis Khan and Alexander the Great are two towering figures in world history known for building massive empires through remarkable military conquests. But how do these famous conquerors and their empires compare?

Why Did the Mongol Empire Fall?

Several key internal issues undermined Mongol imperial unity. Their tradition of splitting territory among sons of each deceased khan led to continuous infighting after Genghis Khan's death in 1227 CE.

Women in the Mongol Empire

Women in the upper echelons of Mongolian society wielded impressive political influence. As the wives and mothers of khans (rulers), they served as confidants and advisors to their husbands and sons. Some even temporarily took over administrative duties when their male relatives were absent or after they passed away.

Spread of Religion on the Silk Road During the Mongol Empire

Explore the Mongol Empire's unique religious tolerance and support, and discover how it facilitated the spread of Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and more along the Silk Road. Uncover the historical significance of this cultural exchange in Asia through our comprehensive post.